BAW Farm Logo.jpg (10295 bytes)bide a wee farm 

registered Jacob & Navajo-Churro sheep
503-538-7987 / / Facebook @bideaweefarm / Instagram #bidewee

2024 Jacob Lambs

Churro Lambs

Jacob Sheep
Sale List

Navajo-Churro Sheep
Sale List

About Jacob Sheep

About Navajo-Churro 

2024 Breeding Line up

Cross Lambs


Sheep Skulls

bide a wee On-Line Store

 Lamb Cuts Price List

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2021 bide a wee Jacob & Navajo-Churro Lambs

Our 2021 Jacob and Navajo-Churro lambs have arrived. We're currently assessing them for breed quality characteristics and updating photos, then will post the most promising lambs shortly.  If you're interested in learning more about our lambs, or being added to our 2021 lamb list, contact us at  Meanwhile, to get an idea of what our 2021 lambs will look like, visit our 2020 Jacob Lamb page and our 2020 Navajo-Churro Lamb page.  To see the flock sires for our 2021 lambs, check out our Breeding Line-up.  You also can follow our farm on Facebook (@bideaweefarm) or Intagram (#bidewee) for candid photos of the lambs.

For current photos and pedigrees of the yearling sheep we have for sale, check out our Jacob Sale List and our Navajo-Churro Sale List.



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Logo and photos are the property of bide a wee farm and may not be used without permission.
Copyright 2000 bide a wee farm 
Last modified: October 03, 2024