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registered Jacob & Navajo-Churro sheep
503-538-7987 / / Facebook @bideaweefarm / Instagram #bidewee

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Cross Lambs


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Our 'bide-a-leicester' sheep

Sudan Farm Goober

Our cross lamb program started with Sudan Farm Goober (photo above), a very handsome, gentle, and pleasantly plump Border Leicester ram.   We started using Goober on some of our Jacob and Navajo-Churro ewes who just weren't producing the purebred quality lambs we were looking for.  Since most of these girls were older and were friends of the family (i.e., Karen wasn't willing to part with them) we decided to find a way they could stay and still contribute to the farm income.  After we lost Goober in 2012 at ten years of age, we added a Sudan Farm Falls, a Border Leicester x Gotland ram.

Today we have a flock of first, second and third generation cross ewes, which we affectionately call our 'bide-a-leicester' flock and we think of them as our own in-house designer breed.  Our current batch of cross lambs were sired by Goober's last son, Rollo, a white Border Leicester x Navajo-Churro cross ram, and Fall's last son, K. Falls, a white Border Leicester x Gotland x Jacob cross ram (see below for photos).

Crossing a Border Leicester ram (and now a pinch of Gotland) with our Jacob and Navajo-Churro ewes gives us fast growing lambs that carry the distinctive Border Leicester head and confirmation, making it impossible to mistake any of the resulting lambs as purebreds.  Their silky fleeces range in character from medium with crimp, to long and lustrous, and their meat has the same lean, mild flavor that we've come to expect from our Jacob and Navajo-Churro lambs.  They're a great option for people who just want a few ewes to produce lambs every year for fiber and/or meat.  They also make terrific lawn mowers, fiber producers, and market/meat lambs  

For questions, or for more information contact us at: or call 503-538-7987

Photo above shows an example of a
Border Leicester/Navajo-Churro Cross fleece
(Fleece is six months growth)

Photo above shows an example of a
Border Leicester/Jacob Cross fleece
(Fleece is six months growth)

Our current bide-a-leicester sires...

bide a wee K. Falls
Border Leicester
x Gotland x Jacob
Sudan Farm Perseus
Border Leicester

Note: we occasionally have bide-a-leicester lambs for sale - check with us if interested...

A set of bide-a-leicester twin lambs. A few of our gray bide-a-leicester ewes.

Terms of Sale...
25% down will hold your selection with the balance due by the time the sheep leave our farm. Prices are FOB Newberg.
Prices for unsold animals are subject to change. 
Discounts are available for 4H and FFA members, and for each purchase of 5 or more sheep.
•Travel related expenses are the responsibility of the buyer, and for shipments outside of Oregon will include a Veterinary Health Certificate, plus blood test fees if required by the destination state.


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Logo and photos are the property of bide a wee farm and may not be used without permission.
Copyright 2000 bide a wee farm 
Last modified: January 05, 2025