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About Navajo-Churro Sheep...
Navajo-Churro sheep are descended from the
Churra, an ancient Iberian breed. The Churra (later corrupted to
"Churro" by American frontiersmen) was brought to the North America by the
Spanish Conquistadors in the 16th century as a source of food and clothing for their
armies. By the 17th century Churros were popular with the Spanish settlers in the upper
Rio Grande Valley. Flocks of Churros were also acquired by Native Americans through
raids and trading, and soon became an important part of the Navajo economy and
culture. A series of US Government sponsored flock reductions and
"improvements" (by cross breeding) decimated the Navajo flocks until the old type Churro sheep nearly disappeared. In the 1970's several individuals began
acquiring Churro phenotypes with the purpose of preserving the breed and revitalizing
Navajo and Hispanic flocks. The
Navajo-Churro Sheep Association (N-CSA) was formed in 1986 to preserve and
promote this original American Breed. The name "Navajo-Churro" was chosen to
honor both their Navajo and their Spanish heritage. While more than
4,200 sheep have
been registered since the N-CSA was formed, Navajo-Churro sheep are still considered a
rare breed by the
Livestock Conservancy (www.livestockconservancy.org).
Navajo-Churro sheep carry the po lycerate gene which allows them
to produce multiple horns, and both rams and ewes can be horned or polled. They are a
small to medium size breed with ewes weighing form 85 to 120 pounds and rams ranging from
120 to 175 lbs. Navajo-Churro wool comes in a wide range of natural colors
(for a list of Navajo-Churro colors & patterns
click here), is classified
as coarse and is composed of three distinct types of fiber: 1) Inner Coat (3-5"staple
length): wool fibers ranging from 10-35 micron s, comprising 80% of the fleece, 2) Outer
Coat (6-12"staple length): hair fibers measuring 35+ microns, comprising 10-20% of
the fleece, 3) Kemp: short opaque fibers of 65+ microns, not to exceed 5% of the fleece).
The fleece is open with no defined crimp and should be lustrous with a silky hand. It is
high yielding with a low grease content.

Click here to see our Navajo-Churro sheep
sale list
Why we raise Navajo-Churro sheep...
We're honored to be helping to preserve the original American sheep.
Theyre independent, intelligent sheep with a fascinating history and a very
special heritage.
Theyre very hardy and disease resistant.
Their smaller size means they eat less food and have higher stocking rates per acre
than commercial breeds.
Being desert sheep, they can survive and thrive on less than perfect forage.
The ewes tend to twin, have few lambing problems and are excellent, protective
They have the quintessential weaving wool - strong, beautiful and available in a
wide variety of natural colors.
Lamb fleeces are rich in color and make terrific socks and sweaters.
They produce a lean, mild flavored carcass and beautiful pelts.
Theyre considered a dairy breed (havent tried that yet).
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