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registered Jacob & Navajo-Churro sheep
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100% Wool Felt Sheets

We have several colors of Jacob and Navajo-Churro wool felt sheets available.  The felt sheets are made from washed, carded fiber which is then wet felted by machine.  Felt sheets measure approximately 36" by 48" and are priced at $40 each.  A close-up of a Navajo-Churro felt sheet is shown at left.  See below for colors and weights...

Jacob Wool Felt Sheets
Jacob sheep grow a medium grade wool (24-33 microns, Bradford count 44-56s, demi-luster), with an open character, a soft springy handle and little or no kemp, or britchyness. When the colors from one fleece are separated it can yield three colors - creamy white, brown/grey and brown/black. Our Jacobs are sheared once a year so staple lengths for our fleeces and roving range from 3" - 7". 

Grey Jacob 100% Wool Felt Sheets
Grown by Mr. Darcy

 #   -  Weight


JF1 - 15.1 oz. $40 SOLD
JF2 - 15.5 oz. $40 SOLD

Grey Jacob 100% Wool Felt Sheets
Grown by

#    -  Weight

JF3 - 15.3 oz.  $40 SOLD
JF4 - 1 lb. 1 oz. $40 SOLD

Navajo-Churro Wool Felt Sheets

Navajo-Churro wool comes in a wide range of natural colors (for a list of Navajo-Churro colors & patterns click here), is classified as coarse and is composed of three distinct types of fiber: 1) Inner Coat: wool fibers ranging from 10-35 microns, comprising 80% of the fleece, 2) Outer Coat: hair fibers measuring 35+ microns, comprising 10-20% of the fleece, 3) Kemp: short opaque fibers of 65+ microns, not to exceed 5% of the fleece. The fleece is open with no defined crimp and should be lustrous with a silky hand. It is high yielding with a low grease content.  Navajo-Churro sheep can grow 8" to 12" inches of wool a year (up to 1" per month).  At bide a wee farm we shear our Churros twice a year so staple lengths on our fleeces, roving and felt sheets range from 4" to 6".

Lt. Brown Navajo-Churro
100% Wool Felt Sheet
Grown by Ms. P

 #    -  Weight


NF1 - 1 lb. 1 oz.

$40 SOLD

Lt. Grey Navajo-Churro
100% Wool Felt Sheets
Grown by Jeralyn

 #    -  Weight


NF3 - 1 lb.

$40 SOLD

NF4 - 1 lb. 2 oz.

$40 SOLD


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Copyright 2000 bide a wee farm 
Last modified: January 05, 2025